Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Oh, hi there! It's me again.

I'm so sorry for the long absences. I keep going deeper inside myself the closer I get to this huge testing date in May. Which testing date?

Oh. That's right. I never blog anymore.

I'm taking the SPHR certification in May. It's a big deal because if I manage to finish that and my B.S. degree in August, I'll be just about done with school.

When I say 'just about' I mean, "Done if I don't decide to do law school."

Anyway, I'm boring right now! I wake up, put on 'new' pajama pants, study, eat some, study, play with the cat or dog, study, eat and then go back to sleep. Sometimes I get really crazy and I watch Hulu or play with my niece. It's quite boring!

Except for the part where a guy friend of mine did move in for a bit. Just a couple of months. And so my closet is all restricted. Oh, the stories I could tell about merging households --even temporarily. Suffice it to say, BUY A NEW PLACE TOGETHER! DO NOT ATTEMPT TO MERGE!

Other things I managed to do while I was gone include Mardi Gras, plan a Single Adult activity for Missoula and possibly adopt a dog.

Maybe I'm not so boring after all.

But until I decide that for real, here are some photos to hold you over.


Gwen Lafleur said...

Yay! Nagging works! You blogged! I'm so proud.

Boo said...

Did you take the last two photos?! You have a gift, lady. I'm telling you. You need to think about starting a business, even if its just on the side. You are so talented. Thanks for posting. It's nice to see you writing!

molly said...

Love the photos of your niece. Do you do other blue eyed babies? Their name starts with R??? :) You MUST blog more. I need it.