Saturday, March 21, 2009


10am: Create art with children, transport children to people on the other end of the spectrum, play along to their singing and gesticulations, transport to parents

1pm: Shop for ice cream and toppings and such

3pm: Linner with friends

5pm: Set up Single Adults Activity

5:30pm: Socialize with sugar and toppings and such

7pm: Watch Stake production of Jesus' life. Attempt not to mock more loudly than the two seat barrier.

9pm: Do away with any vestiges of spiritual growth at a house party

12am: Crawl into bed thinking "Why do I even socialize? This is too much!" glowing from the day.


- Tristin - said...

ATTA-GIRL! THAT'S the Steph I know and LOVE!! :D Throw in a RANDOM roadtrip to C-falls in the middle of the night and BAM!.... We're back to the GOOD 'OL DAYS!

molly said...

Oh Steph! I can totally relate to the 9pm. I swear half the time when we pull out of the parking lot at church, Dave has to do/say something totally inappropriate to make up for sitting in church for 3 hours.