Thursday, March 19, 2009

Trips. But without acid.

I'm dying to get out of Dodge this month. I have a trip planned for April--Boise, under the guise of something educational but really to see Tristin and my Godson--but I haven't left the state in March. And it's time.

I was talking to myself over the last couple of days and I've decided that I need to see Alaska. I keep wanting to live there for no sane reason and I think it's time to debunk my desire. I'm planning on doing this by driving from Missoula to Anchorage (because Prudhoe Bay is just too damn far and I'll hit the Arctic Circle in Norway later in life) and back.

Now all I need is someone to split gas costs with.

Takers? Come now, you know you wanna!


Rae said...

Count me in! When do we leave?

But we have to take your car as I am not sure mine will make it. :)

Boo said...

I tried to talk you into Cherry Blossoms, kites and the restaurants in DC. Sounds to me my idea didn't go over to well. That's OK. I want you to see Alaska. Good luck planning!

Joy said...

Damn responsible me.

I'd so be there.