Monday, October 19, 2009

I'm, like, all over the internet today!

My friend Erin wrote a blog post about lunch with me last week. If, say, you're easily shocked by her opinions of my opinions I wouldn't go the article.*

Also, I just finished dying my own hair for the first time since high school. And I don't think I did a horrible job! I blogged about it on the blog I share with Amber.

And now, I'm off to do laundry, drop my car at the shop and do all manner of other grown up things!

*Hello, Mike's sister. I would like to, right here, refute that I talk about sex as much as Erin says I do. Totally untrue. I have no idea at all where she'd get a notion like that. I'm shocked and appalled. It's possible I'm considering legal action. Or some other such thing. I need this foot note to establish plausible deniability. Just wanted you to know in case you do to read that before meeting me. And if it were true, well, I've changed. I am an angel, pure as the driven snow. Just for the record.

1 comment:

erinannie said...

Waiting for my subpoena.