Saturday, October 3, 2009


...and the world goes to sleep. It's actually shocking to me how this time is consistent. We'll be having an evening full of frivolity and then *wham* 3am and it get eerily quiet.

Because of this I am quite tempted to tell each of you that you must form a schedule of times you'll be on call to entertain me so that I don't fall asleep in my chair. Alas, I love you all too much.

One more shift this week and then I'll be off to visit Utah for a few days. I hope I'll get to see Erin, Gwen, Rae and Rina. It should be an excellent week. I'm grasping for that as I feel myself start to snore.


Boo said...

I had no idea you were going to Utah! How fun! Sorry I can't be awake at 4am in Biloxi for us to chat. I feel like I am loosing touch with all my girlfriends. I hope you have a great time with Rae, Rina, Erin and Gwen. Please give them my love.

Stephanie said...

It's ok. We're all going to be here when you emerge. :) That dirt cake looks awesome! What was the occasion? And I love you!