Friday, October 16, 2009

Dark side of the moon

I think that 0500 blogging is going to be my new norm. Most of the world is quiet and I'm fighting to stay awake. Clearly all of you must suffer because of that.

Fa-nter is officially here in Missoula. We had some snow, it melted but stayed cold and gloomy. I anticipate I won't see the sun again until..oh..wait. I'm going to Utah on Sunday. I suppose I can't whine about the weather when I'll keep going South for as long as I can over the next few weeks.

Speaking of Utah, it turns out the guy I'm dating, let's call him 'Mike', has some parents. Who knew?! And since we're progressing in this process he's proposed* that I meet them. I managed to eek out an 'ok' before I fell to the floor in the midst of a panic attack.

Ok, it's possible I'm overstating.

But really, is there a more uncomfortable phase of wooing than parental meetings? I know it's not always that way nor, truly, do I expect that this time will be bad. It's just such a delicate time and, often, I'm not linguistically delicate. It makes me worry that something I say or somehow I tease Mike will be misconstrued. I suppose, however, that one must trust the judgement of their significant other, especially in this matter. After all, the SO is the product of those parents and I like him!

That meeting, for the curious, will be taking place the week of Thanksgiving. Which is a week I also work my 'long' set of shifts (4 12-hour shifts from 7pm to 7am). I know I'm not going to get much sleep but I'm sure it will be worth it.

And there it is. The occasional relationship update that may eventually lead to a change in the blog name. Tragic, I know.

*ha ha! Gotcha!

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