Monday, August 25, 2008

Bad Brie, Good Wedding

This Saturday I had the chance to attend (and help photograph) the wedding of a friend. The setting was amazing--the private home of a long-time friend with fantastic, wispy trees in front of a pond in the shadow of the Bitteroot mountains. Bride and groom were gorgeous and it was so much fun to be around their family. I lived with the grooms younger sister (who remains one of my best, good friends) and I've loved the chaos that comes with them for many years and they didn't disappoint this time!

A tent was set up on the lawn for the reception and the food--yummy! That's where the brie comes in. It's all I had time for between the photos. Well, ok. It's brie. I made time. Apparently too much time because today I haven't been able to function. Happily, I saved $50 and did my own pedicure! Also, I haven't spent a single penny on food today. Always a silver lining folks!


I leave you with the happy thought of the first dance. If you're linked to me on Facebook, other photos appear there.


- Tristin - said...

THAT WAS BRIE?!?!?! :D I thought it was mozzarella!! LOL! oh well!! Glad we could accommodate your chaos fix and to suit- you fit right in! :D HA HA! Beautiful- YOU ROCK and you have a natural eye for the artistic side of everything! thanks again!

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