Sunday, October 19, 2008

Girls are weird.

I'm sitting here tonight thinking about the oddity of emotions experienced by the SingleGirl. I'm hoping that some of you can relate so that I don't feel like a total idiot for writing then but, hey, I'm me. I'll probably avoid that particular emotion.

So, as in all great blogs, there's this guy. I've met him maybe twice. He lives over a few hundred miles away. He's not LDS. He's off limits from the 'Girl Code of Honor' standpoint. He's expressed mild interest and I expressed it right back because (despite all that) he's, well, a guy. To say that he was a casual acquaintance was probably putting too much familiarity into the statement. Tonight I logged onto a social networking site and saw that his relationship status had changed, pulling him (at least for the moment) off the market and thought, "Hey!"

You know that "Hey!" right? The one where you feel a door close somewhere in the long hallway of possibility and you can't help but think, "What if that was the door I wanted?!"

Logically, everything is telling you it's not the door. You weren't even really looking at or toward the door until you heard it close. And then suddenly, it's all about that door for a moment.

I have tons of guy friends--more than my girl friends, actually--and I love every one of them. I do, however, confess that when any of them finds a girlfriend there is a flash of that same, "Hey!" when the door of possibility closes. It truly is a flash and generally followed by a laugh at myself that it even happened but I can't help thinking every single time it happens, "Girls are so weird!"

1 comment:

Boo said...

Are you talking about Peter?